Big Week for Alton Brown
Monday, July 24, 2006 | posted by Mike
It's only Monday, but this is already shaping up to be quite a week for Alton Brown. Not only does he celebrate his 44th birthday on Sunday, but he also has the debut of his new show Feasting on Asphalt on Saturday the 29th.
A.B. has an update on his personal site saying that there will be a "Good Eats" marathon on Saturday, followed by a one-hour behind-the-scenes program. Capping it all off will be the premier of Feasting on Asphalt.
Brown's site also has episode descriptions for the show. The synopses cover his journey from South Carolina to Southern California. Based on the fact that he's making stops at places called "Jacks Cosmic Dogs," "Smokey Pig Bar" and "The Biscuit Place," it looks like the series will be filled with plenty of small-town Americana.
The trip takes place on the back of Alton's motorcycle (at least until they reach Nevada), so we should be able to expect plenty of shots of the riders against the backdrop of the South and Mid-West. If you want a taste of the look of the show, be sure to check out the "Feasting Photos" picture gallery, which features some really nice photos from the road.Labels: Alton Brown