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Alton Brown Takes New Show Title Too Literally
Saturday, July 01, 2006 | posted by Mike

Tracey over at Foodie Obsessed (which is an ABSOLUTE must-read blog) has a story up about TVFF.com favorite Alton Brown’s upcoming four-part series Feasting on Asphalt, where he eats his way from Georgia to California on the back of his motorcycle.

As you might expect, it looks like things didn’t exactly go as planned. Alton had a bit of an accident in Las Vegas (who hasn’t!?!), hitting a ditch and breaking his collarbone. As you can see from his site, Alton is in pain but remains in good spirits, even writing a recount of the accident for the NY Times.

Asphalt – definitely NOT good eats…

Get well soon, Alton!



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