Everything Rachael Ray
Tuesday, July 18, 2006 | posted by Mike
If you’re spending any time looking at news about food TV these days, you can't help but be bombarded by stories about the new Rachael Ray talk show, including stories here, here and here. And this is for a show that debuts exactly two months from today. In short, this could very easily become a Rachael Ray blog if I posted every story that I found. Of course, if that’s what you’re looking for, you should check out Everything Rachael Ray.
You may have noticed a couple of comments here on TVFF.com from Madeline. It turns out that she runs one of the most comprehensive and informative fan sites I’ve seen in the TV food blogosphere. Seemingly, not a single piece of Rachael-related news goes unposted, and there are some other great finds like videos of the TV show promos. Madeline also shares her reviews of some Rachael Ray recipes.
Most of all, you can tell that Everything Rachael Ray is written by someone who really enjoys her subject, experiences the fun and joys of cooking and knows how to bring a fun and funny perspective to her writing.
Be sure to check it out, and I’m sure I’ll be linking to stories there quite often.Labels: Rachael Ray