Coming Soon to PBS: Sara Moulton
Sunday, July 23, 2006 | posted by Mike
Tracey over at Foodie Obsessed has a new post up about the end of the Food Network/Sara Moulton relationship. Apparently, the parting was first reported back in December by Slashfood, but that was before I was really paying attention to the food TV blogosphere, so it's news to me (and, maybe, you).
Janet asks: "So, what are your feelings on the loss of Sara Moulton?"
First off, Sara clearly loves food, and her "day job" as executive chef at "Gourmet" magazine means that she knows what she is doing. I'd gladly sit down at her table for a meal.
But, there seem to be two ways to succeed on today's Food Network: be a dynamic personality or inhabit a unique niche. Unfortunately, Sara really doesn't fall squarely into either category.
I'll echo Janet's sentiment that we don't need another lifeless travelogue show, and that they need to make sure that there are enough cooking shows on a network about cooking. I don't know the exact demographics and viewing habits of the typical Food Network viewer, but I'm thinking that they log quite a few hours, and take in a good variety shows.
But PBS has always been the place where people can go for "one stop shopping" when it comes to cooking. It's probably a good place for someone like Moulton.
This is in no way a criticism of chefs and shows like Sara's with a "generalist" focus, as I'll point out in a post later this week about the best show you may not be watching.
I think that Moulton is, first and foremost, a teacher. She is someone that wants to educate as many people as possible, and that is evident in her Food Network shows. I believe that her new platform at PBS will give her a tremendous opportunity to teach many people who never wander down the dial to Food Network.Labels: Food Network