NASA to Shoot Emeril Lagasse’s Food into Space
Thursday, August 03, 2006 | posted by Mike
OK boys and girls…stop laughing. I can hear the wisecracks from here: “…which is where it belongs.” “Are they sending him with it?’ “Maybe it won’t come back.”
Anthony Bourdain may be right -- Emeril may be a "furry little Ewok.” But he is very popular, especially with the part-time foodies.
NASA, he people who brought you the moon landing, are now hard at work on possibly their most important project: sending Emeril’s food to the crew on the International Space Station. Unfortunately, to ensure the safety of their equipment, crewmembers will not be allowed to haphazardly throw seasoning around the cockpit.
Actually, this is a pretty nice thing for the crew, which features one America, one Russian and one European Space Agency astronaut. As fun as it might sound to be up there, it’s a physically and psychologically demanding job, and they can get pretty homesick.
Station crews usually live and work in space for six months. "Our research has indicated that quality, appetizing food is important for the health and morale of astronauts during space missions, especially long ones," said NASA's Vickie Kloeris, who oversees the development and distribution of food on the space station.
Labels: Emeril Lagasse