Rocco DiSpirito Will Solve All Your Problems
Tuesday, August 01, 2006 | posted by Mike
I have been purposely ignoring stories about Rocco DiSpirito’s return to television (although that Broadway story was just too good to pass up), mostly because I still descend into a foul mood whenever I think about “The Restaurant”. So I haven’t been bringing you updates on how his new show, creatively titled “Rocco,” which focuses not on cooking, but on Rocco helping people deal with life-changing issues through food. Or something like that.
Anyway, Rocco’s home page had a call for people to appear on the show:
ATTENTION: Rocco is shooting his new cable TV show, and we're looking for people with a dramatic situation in their life involving food. Worried about that engagement dinner with your picky mother-in-law? Trying to win back that ex-girlfriend who's still mad at you for cheating on her? Trying to bury the hatchet with that outcast uncle at your family reunion cookout? Rocco wants to help you solve that problem! If you are in the New York area and want to submit your story, please E-mail Mike Fig with your problem and we will contact you! Grab The Good Life! Rocco
Mysteriously (or possibly not), that text was taken down shortly after I copied it down. Maybe they had enough submissions. Maybe they realized this whole thing is a bad idea.
So, if you’re planning on telling your kids that they’re adopted over a nice steak, be sure to contact Rocco and his crew to see if they’d like to tag along and film the carnage. Maybe they’ll even go the Jerry Springer route and offer to pay for the counseling you’ll undoubtedly need.Labels: Rocco DiSpirito