Dave Lieberman Taping Webisodes in Philadelphia
Thursday, July 27, 2006 | posted by Mike
The Philadelphia Inquirer has a short item in the “around town” column Inqlings about Philly native and Good Deal host Dave Lieberman shooting segments for his upcoming web-only series “Dave Does” in and around Philadelphia.
The Inky also tells us that there will be thirteen episodes (just like last year’s Eat This) and that the first will debut on August 14th. Stop back then -- we’ll have a review once the shows start.
Lieberman will be shooting a piece on “meals ready to eat” with soldiers at Fort Dix (which is only a hop, skip and jump from the TVFoodFan.com offices in New Jersey) and will be talking about “retro-cool dining” with the folks at occasional TVFF.com staff hangout The Continental in Philadelphia’s Old City.
As always, for the best info on places like The Continental and other restaurants in Philadelphia, check out PhilaFoodie.Labels: Dave Lieberman