Words of Wisdom (and Affordable Olive Oil) from Rachael Ray
Thursday, November 30, 2006 | posted by Mike
I have to admit that I’m not the biggest fan of using celebrities and businesspeople as “role models” in the sense that, if you emulate all of the things that they did to become successful, you will become successful. It’s not that think there isn’t anything to be learned from their experiences, it’s just that I get the feeling that everyone’s situation is different and that you need to find your own way to success using the lessons you’ve picked up from role models, family and friends.
But, hey, what do I know? If you told me this time last year that I’d be running this site, being read by people around the world (do they even have Food Network in South Africa?) and interviewing stars of FN shows, I would have thought you were crazy.
So, if you are looking for some inspiration about how to “turn your passion into an empire,” check out the short piece on CNNMoney.com featuring Rachael Ray’s advice for success. You can say what you want about her (and that argument is still going on down in the comments), but the fact that she, like Chris Cognac and Duff Goldman, was doing “their thing” for the love of it and with no expectation of fame and fortune is pretty inspiring stuff. So, if the lesson to be learned is that you have to stick with that you love and it will pay off in the end, I guess that’s some pretty good advice.
OK, enough of the schmaltzy stuff.
Apparently, Rach is working with the Colavita (TVFF.com’s favorite “everyday” choice) folks on a new line of EVOO (that’s Extra Virgin Olive Oil, for those of you living under a rock). The skinny:
The olive oils we're developing with Colavita will be priced to be competitive with every other affordable olive oil. We chose to be in grocery stores, not fancy food stores, because that's where most of my audience shops.
Colavita also sponsors Lidia Bastianich’s show. Off the top of my head, I can’t remember them doing as much paid advertising as some of the other brands, so maybe a strategic alignment with food celebs is at the core of their marketing plan. Labels: Rachael Ray