Hating Rachael Ray
Monday, November 27, 2006 | posted by Mike
I know that we’ve hashed and rehashed this topic before, but it’s baaaaaack! (Actually…hash…not a bad idea for my leftover turkey.)
Rob Walker has an article in the New York Times Magazine about everyone’s favorite pastime, loathing everything there is to loathe about Rachael Ray. The piece covers all of the usual bases, from the “Yum-o” to the folks over at Rachael Ray Sucks, so there’s not a whole lot new to see there.
There is, however, a little bit of analysis as to why the attitude has grown among some toward Rachael, as well as the fact that this sort of thing is the norm for many celebrities, business and organizations. He points out that Rachael and her folks might want to take some solace in the fact that she is the object of their scorn, since, “nobody bothers to get together to hate an irrelevant entity.”
Walker goes a little easy on the RRS folks, though, saying that (at least when it comes to the board he was reviewing) the joking is good-natured. I’ve seen it be a bit more mean-spirited, though. It would have been nice for him to have Madeline of Everything Rachael Ray weigh in on the topic, as she is much closer to all of this.
I do get a kick out of Walker’s description of Misty Lane (really?!?!?), who runs the Rachael Ray Sucks Community:
…an upbeat-sounding woman who punctuates every other sentence with a friendly laugh.
“It’s like a family reunion!” Lane concluded. And then she laughed, quite cheerily.
Hmm. “Upbeat...cheery...laughing every other sentence.” Does that sound like any food celebrity/talk show host we know?Labels: Rachael Ray