"Dinner: Impossible" Photos
Sunday, November 19, 2006 | posted by Mike
Ahhh…the beauty of the Internet!
We at TVFF.com post info about the upcoming Food Network show called Dinner: Impossible and someone who actually took part in one of the tapings chimes in with a comment and links to photos on his own blog.
Jeff, who seems to go by the name “El Jefe” at El Bloggo Torcido, is with the Twisted Oak Winery and they got a call from an associate and were asked “to be the featured winery on their Dinner Train on Saturday, and that the dinner would be taped as part of a new series on the Food Network.”
Obviously, working on a shoot means that you get to know what the show is all about. Jeff gives us a nice description:
Each week Master Chef Robert Irvine is dumped someplace on Saturday morning with a budget and an "impossible" task to create dinner for a group of people. Chef Irvine is a native of England and has cooked for Kings, Queens, Emirs, Presidents, and other such rabble. He's also one heck of a nice guy! Anyway, in an earlier taping, they dumped him on an island in Maine, handed him some cash, and told him to cook dinner for everyone on the island. In our episode, "all" he had to do was cook for 150 people on the train.
Hmmmm...as far as gimmicky premises go, that one isn’t bad at all.
You can see all of the photos at his post, including the one that I’ve included here, which lets us know that Marc Summers will be serving as the host of the show. Apparently, the rubber chicken is some sort of mascot for the winery, so there is no need to worry that Marc has gone off the deep end and insisted to always co-host with his best buddy, “Mr. Cluckers.”
UPDATE: A commenter let us know that Marc Summers is not, in fact, the host of the show. As mentioned in the comment, a number of stories on the show have noted that it will be produced by Marc Summers Productions.
None of this, of course, makes the above photo any less silly.Labels: Marc Summers, Robert Irvine