More Confirmation of American "Kitchen Nightmares"
Wednesday, January 03, 2007 | posted by Mike
We mentioned a few days ago about some preliminary word on an American version of Gordon Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares, a restaurant fix-up show that is currently only showing on BBC America. After our piece, the folks over at's Grinder picked up the report (and plugged us...thanks!!), but there was still some question. Well, if it's being reported by the "real media," even in one of their blogs, then it has to be true, right?
The TV blog of the Orlando Sentinal has word of the second show for Ramsay on Fox, with a note that production will begin in February.
"There's no time for polite small talk as Ramsay embarks on his mission to turn things around," Fox says in a release. Yep, we wouldn't expect polite small talk from Gordo.
And that, folks, is the difference between the Orlando Sentinal and actually sends them press releases. Sigh.
Labels: Gordon Ramsay