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Happy Six-Month-Aversary to TVFF.com!
Saturday, January 06, 2007 | posted by Mike

There's nothing worse than a completely self-serving blog post. So, this one will only be partially self-serving.

Thanks in large part to all of you who have come back to the site over and over again, earlier this week TVFoodFan.com reached the six month mark. That's still pretty young, even in the world of blogging, but we really feel like we're hitting our stride.

I also wanted to tell you that we have some fun stuff in store for the next few months. I can't go into too much detail (non-disclosure agreements and all), but I will promise that it will make the TVFF.com experience more enjoyable for everyone.

Like I mentioned above, I wouldn't be able to keep doing this on a regular basis without the support from all of you. And, whenever I get feedback on something that I posted, it makes me even more gratified to know that I was able to get someone thinking.

Chip from Milwaukee was nice enough to write in and share some of the things he learned from food TV after he read our series from a few weeks back. I just wanted to share a few:

If you get a recipe from foodnetwork.com, the prep time is usually double or triple what they say it is.

The most under rated and under promoted program on the entire network is “Wolfgang Puck’s cooking class.” It’s on at 3am (central time). It’s awesome.

The Alton Brown “Gear for your Kitchen” book rocks.

My favorite non-FN show is “Master Class at Johnson and Wales.” I also enjoy the “Holiday Table.”

Thanks for the info, Chip!

As always, feedback, post ideas and scoops are always welcome, either in the comments or via e-mail at tvfoodfan@gmail.com.

Thanks for making the first six months so fun and be sure to tell your foodie friends about TVFF.com!


Hi, I'm Mike and I created TVFoodFan.com as a place where you can come to get the latest news and views about what’s going on in the world of culinary television.

Contact Us at: mike@tvfoodfan.com

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