Weekend Plans
Friday, December 08, 2006 | posted by Mike
Hey, everyone. Got anything interesting going on this weekend? Maybe some holiday shopping? Or perhaps you're spending your day making a nice veal stock?
Me? I'm getting married tomorrow, so I'm going to be a bit busy.
Oh...and then I'm going on my honeymoon for a week, so I'll just go ahead an apologize up front for the lack of timely posts next week.
Don't fret, though, dear TVFF.com fans! I've spent the past week pre-writing a couple of posts (hence the low volume this week) and the fantastic Madeline of Everything Rachael Ray volunteered to post them for me.
Starting Monday, we'll be running a five-part feature:
A TVFF.com Special Series: Five Things I Learned from Food TV
It will take a look at some of the things that I have learned while watching food television and how it has made me a better cook. I hope that you find it interesting and maybe it reminds you a little bit about why you're a fan of this stuff, too.
Feel free to add comments as you see fit. Or, if you would like to write up your own reason or reminiscence, send it along to tvfoodfan@gmail.com and I'll publish any of the letters that I get once I get back.
Have fun next week and I'll see you all on the week of the 18th!