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Madeline of Everything Rachael Ray Interviewed on FoodCandy
Thursday, October 19, 2006 | posted by Mike

Madeline of Everything Rachael RayAnyone who spends time looking at blogs about food TV should know about Madeline’s Everything Rachael Ray.

And, if you want to know a little bit more about the woman behind the site, FoodCandy has an interview with Madeline. It’s got everything you would want to know about Madeline and her site, including how she came to be the Rachael Ray authority on the Internet.

She also makes a great point about not getting mixed up in the back-and-forth craziness that Rachael Ray inspires on the Web:
If I were to bait them, I think it would be pretty boring: "Rachael Ray rocks!" "No, she sucks!" "No, she rocks!" There's really no point, so I just plod along, doing my own thing and sharing recipes and news that interests me.
Madeline is one of the best writers in the food blog space, so you should definitely be checking out this interview and her site.

P.S…Not to toot my own horn, but you can still check out the interview I gave FoodCandy a few months back.

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