Jamie Oliver Makes a Point by Pretending to Be Morbidly Obese
Tuesday, August 15, 2006 | posted by Mike
In case you haven't noticed, Jamie "The Naked Chef" Oliver hasn't been seen much on television here in the states. You may not know this, but he's busy saving the world. OK...maybe he didn't set it sights quite that high, but he is on a crusade to improve the health of the United Kingdom's schoolchildren by reforming the meals that they are being served.
School Dinners was his first series, and news out of the UK seem to indicate that some pretty big changes were made after it aired. Now he's filming Back to School Dinners, a new show that will look at the changes that were made (or weren't made) in the system since the first show.
Enough with the serious stuff, let's look at the funny picture! Over there on the left, you can see a picture that appears in the Daily Mail under the headline, "Jamie Oliver's shocking obesity warning." The accompanying text:
His obscenely chubby jowls hide his normally sprightly smile, and his garish red-checked shirt is straining over his gargantuan stomach.
And as he waddles out of a shop eagerly grasping two packets of burgers with sausage-like fingers, Jamie Oliver sends out a powerful warning about the dangers of junk food in one shocking image.
I'm assuming that Jamie has a good reason to be dressing up like a Mike Meyers character. And what does it say about our country that I see a guy that looks like this at least three times a day?
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