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This One Goes Out to Alton Brown
Friday, September 28, 2007 | posted by Mike

As you can probably imagine, we read A LOT of very similar articles as part of our media-scouring duties. Plenty and plenty of local publications that run profiles of this or that TV food personality. To be honest, it can get to the point where I get the urge to skip many of them. Of course, then I'd miss little tidbits like this.

As we all know, Alton Brown has a real talent with the camera and that he used to be a cinematographer. What you might not have know is that, according to a profile in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, he was the director of photography on the video of the R.E.M. song, "The One I Love."

And so, I send you off into your weekend with the video of the song, released in 1987 on the album Document.



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