Mario Batali and Courtney Love!?!
Thursday, August 17, 2006 | posted by Mike
Who knows, but the New York Daily News seemed to feel that the evidence was compelling enough to run with the rumor in its “Gatecrasher” column. The info:
During one recent bacchanal, which lasted almost until sunrise, the red-headed restaurateur told his companions he was leaving to "drop in on Courtney Love."
See, that’s the thing about celebrity chefs. They’re still chefs. But now they’re celebrities, too, and that means they get the full Brangelina treatment. When asked, Mario’s people said there is no truth to the story. For the sake of everything good and holy in this world, I pray that they’re being honest.
Also: Gawker has a funny (warning: R-rated) take on the story, too.Labels: Mario Batali