Another Food Network Personality's Resume Embelishment?
Monday, February 18, 2008 | posted by Mike
This time, it's Robert Irvine.
At least according to a report in yesterday's St. Petersburg Times. The article comes at the story from the angle of two restaurants that Irvine was looking to open in St. Pete which, according to the article, won't be happening any time soon.
It is now three months past the planned opening. Look through those windows, past the giant posters of chef Robert Irvine, and you'll see a dirt floor, exposed pipes, lonely ladders.
The piece goes on to describe the legal and verbal wrangling that has been going on between Irvine and some locals who contend that the owes them money and that, well, he's been generally insufferable since coming to town.
Obviously, this is not good publicity for the star or the Network, but it all takes on a different angle when the reporter starts to delve in to Irvine's resume. In a line of questioning that couldn't have been welcome at the Network considering the JAG situation from last year, a number of points from his bio are challenged. Namely, his B.S. degree, his claim to have worked on the wedding cake for Charles and Diana, his recognition by the British crown and his time at the White House are all questioned to one extent or another. Be sure to check out the article for his responses.
As to the comment from the Food Network, a post on the gossip site TMZ links to the St. Petersburg Times article and adds this quote from FN:
"It's unfortunate if Robert embellished the extent of his culinary experiences," said a Food Network rep. "We are investigating the matter and taking the necessary steps to ensure the accuracy of all representations of Robert on Food Network and"
With Irvine's extensive and impressive resume a featured part of the show -- indeed, a large part of the program's opening sequence -- this can't be good news. The last time the Network said they were "investigating the matter," we were only a few days away from watching a former military man walk the plank. What will the future hold for this retired member of the Royal Navy?Labels: Robert Irvine