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"I Find Your Lack of Fondant Disturbing"
Friday, November 23, 2007 | posted by Mike

Duff Goldman is a year or two older than me, so that means he undoubtedly grew up as a fan of Star Wars.

Let me rephrase that, because there is no such thing as a early-to-mid-thirties male Star Wars "fan." Those three movies (let's leave out the recent ones, OK?) were nothing short of an obsession for people of that age, as evidenced by the many, many action figures that I owned.

And so it's no surprise that Duff has converted a couple of iconic Star Wars objects into cake form. The cakes depict the Death Star and an Imperial Star Destroyer. (Which looks like this, but then all of you Star Wars geeks out there knew exactly what the Star Destroyer was, didn't you?) They were made for a fan of the movies, and the folks at the official Star Wars Web site interviewed Duff about the cakes, his career and his SW fandom.

The second page of the interview has images of both cakes link to a slideshow of the Star Destroyer, which is extremely well-done and which apparently came with a complimentary Imperial Shuttle and member of the Emperor's Guard.

OK. I feel like such a dork now.



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