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Sunday, August 19, 2007 | posted by Mike

Yes, that's the sound of silence coming from TVFF over the past few days. Unfortunately, real life has intruded a bit on blog life, but it's all for a good reason that I'll be discussing at length with you shortly. In the mean time, I will certainly be trying my best to keep you up to date on the comings and goings of food TV.

Another thing that took up my time of late was that housewarming part that I mentioned a while back. Everyone who came had a great time thanks in large part to the well-stocked cooler full of beer. There were some culinary highlights, as well, including my hamburger spice blend (a secret combination of salt, pepper, ground ginger, garlic powder, cumin, coriander and fennel) and guacamole that I made fresh from a recipe by our blog-friend Genève.

OK...three food TV things to mention:

  1. What's up with the Saturday night airings of Feasting on Asphalt. Now, I'm not the busiest man on earth, but I am active enough to have plans on most Saturday evenings. So, instead of catching the shows on their first run, I'm scrambling to catch them on reruns. I know...I know...get a DVR.
  2. Hey, remember that news story a long way back that said there were betting irregularities surrounding a contestant on Hell's Kitchen? Well, whoever was placing those bets was either very lucky or very well-informed, because Rock went on to win the whole shooting match.
  3. Food Network must like what they're seeing from Ingrid Hoffman, because they're renewing Simply Delicioso. (Thanks, Dan!)



Hi, I'm Mike and I created TVFoodFan.com as a place where you can come to get the latest news and views about what’s going on in the world of culinary television.

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