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Susie Fogelson Comes Thiiiiiiis Close to Cursing
Monday, July 16, 2007 | posted by Mike

Hey...the JAG confrontation wasn't the only thing worth mentioning on last night's episode.

First of all, it was good to see the Food Network Public Relations department get some screen time! The contestants were escorted to their various interviews by Carrie Welch and the extremely cool Lisa DelColle, who does a fantastic job and who has been very good to us here at TVFF.

Secondly, did anyone else notice when Susie almost said one of George Carlin's magic words? I think it was when she was giving it to JAG about his mysteriously appearing/disappearing personality. She did manage to avoid the TV-M rating by going with "flipping." Part of me really hopes she was frustrated enough to go the whole nine yards and that what you heard was actually dubbed in later. The image of Ms. Fogelson in a recording booth trying to loop "flipping" into her line would be priceless.

Also, there's voting to be done! Head over to the Food Network site to make yourself heard.

And, finally, you didn't think we'd get through an episode without some crying, did you? Of course not! So we're proud to continue our ongoing tradition of a tear-stained song to accompany our tear-stained contestants. This time, we're going with a clip from HBO's Flight of the Conchords, which we in the TVFF household didn't get to see last night because of some flaky cable service. Thanks, Comcast!

Favorite line: "I'm making a lasagna...for one."



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