Jamie Oliver Podcast Coming...Soon?
Saturday, July 08, 2006 | posted by Mike
Just a little bit of Saturday-blogging before I head out to get some high-class culture at the New Jersey Opera Theater tonight. Right now, I'm indulging my more low-brow tastes by watching reruns of The Restaurant on Bravo. Rocco DiSpirito vs. Jeffrey Chodorow...can I root for them to BOTH lose?
I just took a spin through Jamie Oliver's site, which is really quite good. I'm going to be writing more about Jamie in the very near future, because I think he's doing some great things with his Fifteen Foundation and his Feed Me Better campaign.
One thing I want to mention right away is that Jamie is starting work on a new podcast, which he promises to debut "later on this year." It looks like it will be an advice show where people "can tell me all about it by leaving a message on my podcast hotline. Me and my mate Pete will then do our best to solve your problem for you." It looks like he got a good response, because he's no longer taking calls.
No sign of it yet in iTunes, but I'll be keeping an eye out to give you a heads-up and a review.Labels: Jamie Oliver