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Simmering Away
Tuesday, January 13, 2009 | posted by Mike

Hey, everyone.  Sorry for the layoff.  Yes, I'm a bad, bad blogger.

Enough of that, I'm going to make it up to you.

A while back...over a year ago, we pointed you to a great site called Endless Simmer which knocked our socks off at the time and which has churned out consistently top-notch food blog conent and which we've referenced in a number of our own posts here on TVFF.  BS, gansie and the crew over there are the complete package when it comes to writing...prolific and good. 

So, you can imagine how thrilled I was when, in the course of an e-mail conversation, they mentioned the possibility of contributing posts to what I think is one of the best and funniest food blogs around. 

We're kicking off the party with a post on the newest judge to join the Top Chef stable.  Swing over to ES and check out The Toby Young Insult Tracker, which analyzes and grades the British critic's attempts to put down the show's contestants.

Be sure to go check it out and, of course, bookmark and/or subscribe to Endless Simmer for all the great content, including some more stuff from TVFF.

Hi, I'm Mike and I created TVFoodFan.com as a place where you can come to get the latest news and views about what’s going on in the world of culinary television.

Contact Us at: mike@tvfoodfan.com

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