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Mario Batali, Paparazzo?
Sunday, January 20, 2008 | posted by Mike

We have to give credit for this post to Mrs. TVFF, the resident celebrity gossip fan in the family, who found the post on Defamer.

You all know that Mario has been collaborating with Gwyneth Paltrow on that upcoming Spanish food/travel show, but now he's apparently passing along details of Gwyneth's recent "mystery ailment" to US Magazine.

Gwyneth Paltrow was taken to New York's Mount Sinai Hospital Monday for "a little gastrointestinal situation," her pal, chef Mario Batali, told Usmagazine.com.

"It's now been straightened out," he said at the grand opening of The Palazzo Hotel in Las Vegas Thursday. "She's [doing] great."

OK...maybe he doesn't quite qualify as a gossip maven on par with the folks you see on E!, but he sure does like to talk to the press. If this whole "cooking" thing doesn't work out for him...look out Perez Hilton!



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