Paula Deen is Making the Rounds
Tuesday, September 26, 2006 | posted by Mike
The marketing folks at the Food Network really do a fantastic job. Actually, I think they could save themselves a couple of bucks by cutting down on the number of times they run promos during commercial breaks for new shows that are about to debut.
Why is that? Because they manage to get more than enough free coverage for these sorts of programs by getting stories, interviews and appearances featuring the stars of the show on a wide array of web sites, print articles and TV show interviews.
These sorts of promos are even better than those spots that appear sprinkled in amongst the commercials on FN. First, and most obviously, the only cost for these free promos is for the operations of the undeniably talented and extremely hardworking marketing and public relations departments. Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, these sorts of unpaid placements have at least a modicum of impartiality since they are often in relatively independent outlets (although corporate synergy being what it is, you do have to look out for blatant cross-promotion). And an independent voice telling you to check out a new show has more appeal than a commercial promo. So, it behooves these folks to get the word out to their audience through venues like – ahem – this very website. (And now you understand the reason for the blatant kiss-up to the FN marketing folks.)
We mentioned before that Food Network is looking for a younger audience with the soon-to-premier Paula’s Party. It’s no wonder, then, that they’re pounding the digital pavement and getting Ms. Deen some exposure on the Internet.
In’s neck of the woods, Teresa Masterson (the Philadelphia NBC affiliate’s blogger, shown above) snagged an in-person interview with Paula, and the required topic of butter was covered at length.
Now, the USAToday blog “Pop Candy” is soliciting questions for an interview later this week. If you’re just dying to know what Paula will slather with butter next (See -- I told you it was required), you can submit a question through the site’s comment form.
Pop Candy is a fun blog and one of the many that I include in my feedreader. Blogger Whitney covers a variety of pop culture topics, mostly centered on TV, movies and music. She’s also got the power of a major newspaper behind her, so she’s able to pick up the phone and put in a call to’s favorite Food Network executive, Bob Tuschman (or at least one of his handsome/pretty and knowledgeable assistants), when she gets a question about whether FN chefs tape their shows in their own kitchen. (Thanks to Madeline of Everything Rachael Ray for bringing this last item to my attention.)Labels: Bob Tuschman, Paula Deen